Alexandra Templeton Fit

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A Beginner's Guide to the Gym

Hello all and welcome to this week’s blog post. Today, I will lay out my beginner’s guide to the gym: 8 things to know to make your gym journey a success. I know it sounds a bit corny, but I think there are some really valuable takeaways in here- things that I wish I had known when starting out :)

First, I’d like to say that any step towards getting (and staying) active daily is a step in the right direction. Whether it be swimming, biking, running, boxing, yoga, or going to the gym, moving your body daily does wonders for your mental and physical health. Though there are hundreds of activities you could do, today I’d like to focus on working out in the gym and what I think every gym novice should know in order to make the most of your time there :)


1. Establish your goals- your “why”

This is the most important step when beginning any fitness routine. You must first establish what your objectives are- are you working out for: the aesthetic, health reasons, strength, weight loss, overall health, etc. By laying out exactly what you want it will be that much easier to develop a plan to get you to that goal. 

As a side note, I am aware that working out sculpts and tightens the body and while there is nothing wrong (it’s actually very natural) with wanting to work out to look good in a bathing suit/ naked/ in your skinny jeans, I wouldn’t make this the sole reason for your time spent in the gym. In my experience, a deeper “why” has led to more enjoyment in the gym, consistent results, and greater motivation in the long term. A deeper “why” could be: being able to play with your kids, or not waking up with pain, or to just feeling strong and confident in your skin. This will shift your perspective of your time spent in the gym from something you see as a punishment to a celebration of what your body can do. 

2. Come prepared with a plan of action

The gym can be an intimidating place, so why not break it down and do some of the leg work (pun intended ;)) beforehand. By writing up exactly what you want to do, which body part you want to train, and how long you plan to spend, you will be able to walk in with confidence and smash out your workout. 

Personally, I like to plan my workouts around one area/machine so that I don’t have to waste time moving between sets. For example, find a machine that you can do 2-3 exercises at, such as the squat rack, or an exercise mat on the floor, and claim it. 

Here’s a sample of how I plan my workouts:

Warm up burpees/ walk on treadmill. Then lightly stretch the area I will work.

1. Shoulder press

2. Superset* with jump squats

3. Bicep curl

4. Superset with burpees

5. Pushups 

6. Superset with mountain climbers

7. Yoga stretch session

*superset: two exercises done back to back with little to no rest in between. 

This plan is just to emphasize the point of claiming one area to do your workout- all of these supersets can be done in the same spot. If you don’t yet feel comfortable using the machines, or compound areas (i.e. squat rack or bench) just grab a couple of dumbbells and an exercise mat and find a quieter corner to get your workout in. 

3. There is no “one size fits all approach to fitness”

There are so many ways to stay fit and active and working out in the gym is just one of many. Lifting weights can make up the bulk of your workout or you can use it to supplement your other training. When starting out, it’s important to get the most bang for your buck in the gym- creating workouts that are effective and efficient. If you only have time to workout 2-3 days a week then I would recommend training full body each of those days, or alternatively, a lower body day and an upper body day. Find what works for you by experimenting with a few different styles and workout schedules and then stick to that. 


4. You can’t go wrong with bodyweight workouts

If you’re new to the gym, or to working out in general, bodyweight exercises are your friend. There are many advantages to full-body training including: 

  • Workout efficiency = less time wasted in the gym

    1. Avoid developing imbalances in a certain area

    2. Learn and grow confident in the basics (push-up, squat, burpee, pull-up, etc).

    3. Can be done in the gym, at home, or while traveling. You are not limited to only gym equipment.

    4. Are safer than many exercises performed with weight (squat, deadlift, bench press). Many of these exercises have a weightless counterpart that can help you to work the same muscle group.

I have posted many full body workouts on my Instagram using only bodyweight, so if you are looking for inspiration that would be a great place to start :)


5. Schedule a session with a trainer to learn correct form for the basic movements

If you are really unsure where to start, or are afraid of injuring yourself, I would recommend scheduling a session with a certified trainer to learn correct form for the basic movements. Working with a professional will help you flesh out your goals as he/she should be able to provide you with some exercises/ workout tips to get you to your objective. 

However, if you are tight on money there are plenty of people on Youtube that provide excellent advice on exercise form (both for bodyweight and weighted exercises). Two of my favorites are Jeff Nippard (great for compound movements and exercise breakdowns), and Zuzka Light (has hundreds of bodyweight workouts and tips). 


6. Try everything until you find what works for you

If you have decided to join a gym then I would recommend making use of everything it has to offer before settling into a workout routine. Many gyms offer yoga, spinning classes, group classes, boxing and dance, so why not sample it all until you find your fitness flavor, so to speak ;) Variety is crucial to staying motivated and consistent so remember that you don’t have to do the same thing every day to be successful. You could do a yoga class one day followed a lower body day and finish the week with boxing and dancing. The most important thing is to enjoy your workouts- you are moving to be healthy, strong, and fit, so make sure to have a good time!


7. Have a workout buddy

If you are struggling to find motivation to go to the gym, a workout partner may be a good solution. Having someone to hold you accountable for your workouts and to push you that extra bit could make all the difference. A little friendly competition is often a good thing, especially if it makes you work harder towards your goal. 


8. Be patient. It’s a journey and results take time.

I’ve saved this point for last as it is incredibly important and one that many people forget to keep in mind. If you are doing all of the right things: exercising consistently, eating a well-balanced and clean diet, and getting proper rest, the results will come. You will not get fit overnight, nor will you quickly change bad habits for good ones. Everyone has a unique formula for what works for their body and it takes a lot of trial and error to find your formula- so put in the work and trust the process. Remember, by adopting healthier habits you are giving yourself a gift, so don’t expect it all to come so quickly. As the saying goes, good things come to those who work their butts off ;)


Thanks for reading this week’s post! If you have any blog topic requests please shoot me an email or DM me on Instagram.



Originally published on my blog on September 4, 2018