The Arm Balance Workshop (Part 2!)


The Arm Balance Workshop (Part 2!)


Join me for the second installment of the Arm Balances Workshop, where we'll explore the foundations and intricacies of balancing upside down! All levels are welcome, though a prior knowledge of chatarunga is a bonus! Whether you're a beginner or advanced practitioner, we'll build strength, balance, and confidence together.

We will start the workshop with a 60 minute yoga practice designed to prime the areas involved in the various arm balances. Then, we will get upside down to practice some of the introductory inversions (i.e. crow pose, headstand, and forearm stand) with the goal of building confidence and balance.

If you are already comfortable with crow and headstand, there will be space to practice more advanced versions such as forearm stand and handstand.

We will go over all facets of these inversions, including: entry positions, managing weight on the hands, alignment, use of the wall, how to fall safely, and much more!

I look forward to practicing together! Learning these skills has brought me much joy over the years and I am excited to be a part of your journey along this path.



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