The Benefits of Celery Juice + Recipe

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Ciao everybody and welcome back to another nutritional blog post. Today we will be diving into the wonderful world of celery and all of the benefits this seemingly innocuous veg has to offer. Now, I am fully aware that the idea of voluntarily drinking celery juice sounds gross and crazy so just bear with me as I tell you first the benefits and then lay out a recipe to make this juice palatable.

First, the benefits:

  • Heals the gut. Here on my website you may have noticed my fascination with the gut and the foods that either promote or inhibit gut health. Celery juice is a natural laxative which helps everything move smoothly through the body. It soothes and cools the gut making it a great anti-inflammatory food and ideal for those suffering from IBS, Crohn’s, colon cancer, etc.. The powerful varieties of sodium work together to eliminate toxins from every inch of your body, including your gut, helping to heal and regenerate your stomach lining [1]. 

  • Strengthens the bones. Celery is very high in calcium and silicon which help to regenerate and strengthen damaged bones. Celery is also high in Vitamin K which plays an important role in bone metabolism and the protection against osteoporosis [1]. 

  • Great for the skin. This is actually the reason I started drinking celery juice. With the change of the seasons and the arrival of the harsh Prague cold my skin started acting up. The state of our skin is often a reflection of the state of our gut. As it turns out, celery contains high amounts of vitamin K and C which are both used in beauty products to promote healthy, glowing skin. 

    • Aside from the celery juice, I also used tea tree oil as a topical treatment and found great results. If your skin starts to flare up I would highly recommend this soothing oil that also has antibacterial properties thus helping to reduce surface acne. 

  • Promotes good sleep. Celery is high in magnesium which is known to help people fall and stay asleep. Magnesium also helps restore your muscles and decreases muscle soreness after intense workouts. Restful sleep and improved muscle recovery seem like reason enough to drink up :)

So now that you know a few of the benefits of this super veg, let’s talk about how to make it appetizing.

A quick caveat, this recipe makes the celery juice tolerable but I would not call it yummy. The good news is that you don’t need much of the juice for the benefits to work (about 300ml/ 1.2 cups). If you really can’t stand it, add a bit of honey to sweeten it up.

Here’s the recipe I have come up with:

  • 1 bunch of celery (about 5-6 stalks), cut up finely if you don’t have a juicer

  • 1 nub of ginger (about half a thumb)

  • juice from half a lime

  • 3 carrots, finely chopped

  • 1 red apple (my favorite is pink lady because it adds a note of sweetness :))

  • a splash of water to help things along


1. If you have a juicer (lucky you) then juice away!

2. If you are like me and are juicer-deficient, then chop the ingredients, blend in a standing blender (or whatever you have), adding a bit of water to help things along. 

3. Strain the juice after blending to get all the chunks out. 

Drink within 24 hours of making. The juice is best when fresh (both taste wise and nutrient wise) so try not to let it sit for too long in the fridge. 

So what do you all think? Is there enough evidence to convert you to the celery camp? Do you already drink fresh juice?

If you all have any blog requests or questions please leave them below or send me a DM on Instagram (@alexandratempletonfit). Thanks for reading and until next week :)



Disclaimer: All material on this website is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.


1. Budgen, Olivia. “5 Powerful Healing Benefits of Celery Juice.” FOOD MATTERS®, Food Matters, 18 Sept. 2018,