Bio - Individuality


Ciao everybody and welcome back to another blog post! This week’s topic is wonderfully current and a fabulous way to round out 2018! The term of the day is “bio-individuality” and it plays a huge role in how your body reacts to the food you give it. 

So what does this mean? Bio-Individuality is a concept that focuses on the individual and takes into account that each of us has specific dietary and lifestyle needs. While it seems there is almost a diet du jour (e.g. paleo, keto, vegan, carnivore, etc.) bio- individuality means that you focus on which foods your particular body needs to thrive. This may be tricky for those who choose their diet based on ideology because it may mean sacrificing optimal health. Bio- individuality takes into account your age, gender, ancestral background, fitness habits, where you live, family, relationships, and all of the other factors that make you unique. 

So how do you find your tailored formula? Experiment! If you are eating a certain way now and don’t feel great or if you really dislike some of the foods, change it. You know your body best and are free to experiment with as many eating styles and foods as you like until you find the way that suits you. Don’t fall into the trap of copying the diet of an Olympic athlete or bodybuilder because you think that it will get you the results you’re after. You (probably) have a different lifestyle and genetic makeup than the athlete so you should adjust your food accordingly. What works for one person may be poison for another. Also, your goals and routine may change throughout the year- a topic I touched on in my post called Periodization Training. Whether it’s the holidays and you are indulging in richer foods, or summer is coming and you want to be a bit leaner, your diet should match these phases accordingly. 

Consider journaling your meals for a few days to keep track of how you feel after you eat. This could help you to identify any potential food intolerances as well as make you aware of the types of food that make you feel good. This journaling exercise has helped many of my clients become aware of their body’s feelings and cut down on junk food. Some people are used to feeling sluggish or tired after eating and don’t know that the foods they put into their body can actually energize them. If the expression holds true and we really are what we eat, shouldn’t we be feeding ourselves the highest quality fuel we can find? Your body uses the food that you eat to build cells, repair damaged areas, affect your mood, and function daily. If you find the right formula, you could make your body into a high performing machine that serves you well and contributes to a high quality life. 

It’s going to take a lot of experimentation and some time, but I promise it’s one of the best gifts you can give yourself on your wellness journey. Remember, the “good” meal plan that you follow consistently is better than the “perfect” meal plan that you quit. 

If you’re looking for recipe inspiration to get you started, I’ll be releasing my first ever e-cookbook next month to kick off 2019! It’s filled with my go-to healthy basics that I make every week. The recipes in the book are no-fuss and are great for meal prep. My hope is that they’ll help you find your custom diet by introducing you to simple cooking techniques and flavors so that you can begin experimenting in your own kitchen. 

Thanks for reading and if you all have any questions or future blog requests, please leave them down below :D

See you all in 2019! 

